Differences Between Web Design And Print Design
Web design is similar to print design in many ways, but there are a few key differences.
The primary purpose of print design is to convey information. The primary purpose of web design is to encourage action. The print designer’s job is to make sure the reader can find what they need and get it quickly. A web designer’s job is to make sure the user can find what they need and complete their task as quickly and painlessly as possible — whether that task involves buying something, filling out a form or simply reading some content.
In print design, the goal is to tell the reader everything they need to know about the product or service in question. In web design, the goal is to entice the user into learning more about the product or service. It’s not necessary for you to answer all questions on your website; in fact, doing so might be counterproductive. If every potential question a user might have were answered on your site, they wouldn’t need to pick up the phone or send an email. Instead, you should provide enough information to pique their interest and give them reasons why they should contact you for more information.
The differences between web design and print design can be boiled down to how the two types of media are used. The most obvious difference is that web design, by its very nature, is interactive and requires constant changes. Web pages are constantly being updated with new material, while print designs are static and rarely, if ever, change. In addition, the way they’re produced is also different. Print designs are primarily produced using Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, while web designs are mostly made using HTML and CSS.
A second major difference between print and web design is that the specifications for the two types of media differ greatly. For example, a business card can be printed on any type of paper stock without having to worry about how it will look on a computer screen or mobile device. A print ad can be made in any size and displayed in any shape without worrying about whether it will display properly on a website. On the other hand, every element of a web page must be designed with both visual appeal and functionality in mind – from the color scheme to the layout to the code that makes it all work together.
The main difference between the two is in their end use. A printed piece will be seen in just one way, while the screen on which a web page is displayed can vary greatly. A printed piece is static, while a web page can change in response to user interaction. The files needed to produce those two types of designs are also very different.
Find more differences here between web design and print design