Three Serious Injuries that Can Result from a Bicycle Accident


Cycling is a good exercise. This is the reason many people get out and ride their bicycles. However, as bicycles share the road with cars, accidents can happen. These accidents are often serious and can have long-term costs. Also, they can result in serious injuries that can have long-term consequences. Because of these injuries, you may not be able to work for a while, care for your loved ones, suffering from chronic pain, and experience a diminished capacity. Also, because of the financial consequences of a serious bicycle accident-related injury, you want to get a consultation from various Portland bicycle accident attorneys to help you recover compensation from the party responsible for your accident. If you suffer any of the following injuries, you especially deserve significant compensation.

Broken Bones

Should you be hit by a motor vehicle while riding a bicycle on the road, you may suffer broken bones. Because a bicycle doesn’t give you protection, a car can directly hit your body during an accident. Also, this accident can lead to a chain reaction where your body can get throw. And once you land, you could break your bone because of the force.

Broken bones are serious injuries with long-term impacts. They usually require surgery and a long healing time. And even if your bones have healed, you may still require continued treatment such as physical or occupational therapy.

Your medical bills and pain will vary depending on how serious the broken bones are. Under the law, you may be entitled to damages for your injuries including emotional and physical distress, future costs, and lost wages. A lawyer can evaluate your case for serious injuries like broken bones.

Soft Tissue Injuries

You may sustain these injuries when a motor vehicle hits you because of the impact and the vehicle’s weight. With these injuries, you may experience pain, stiffness, soreness, and bruising.

Often, bruising, slight sprains, or strains are often treated with one or two sessions because they can heal on their own. But, more serious soft tissue injuries may require major operations and years of recovery. Sometimes, they may lead to permanent damage. If you sustained soft tissue injuries and other serious injuries, know your legal rights and options.

Traumatic Brain Injuries

Sometimes, you may not know you have a traumatic brain injury or TBI. This type of injury happens when an external force results in brain trauma. When this happens, you can suffer from bruising, bleeding, and torn tissues, which can result in long-term complications or even death. Even if you wear a helmet during an accident, you should be evaluated for TBI.

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